COVID 19 Update
Partyoz Entertainment, like many organisations, Covid-19 plans that centre around health and safety, sustainability, and business continuity.
in response to the latest COVID-19 updates and restrictions, we wanted to let everyone know the precautions and procedures we’ve put in place to help mitigate the potential spread of the COVID-19.
Oz sound and lighting is taking maximum care to support the health and wellbeing of our staff, families and customers. Already in place for several weeks and escalating this week, we are continuing our process of extensive daily cleaning routines, staff education and increased measures to further reassure everyone that we are playing our part in minimising risk.
We request for the well-being of others if you have travelled in the last 14 days or have flu-like symptoms to kindly stay home to avoid the spread.
Our People
At Partyoz our people are our most important asset. That is why we have focused on educating our employees on what to do for both their own personal well-being as well as those around them.
We are ensuring staff are kept informed about standard precautionary methods with regards to hygiene and social distancing, as well as the latest updates from government websites.
Partyoz has in place already:
Provisions of hand sanitizers and good hygiene practices across all our job sites
We have systems in place to ensure our staff are complying with our strict hygiene rules.
Self-quarantine by staff who have recently returned from overseas.
Paused all travel and conference attendance except in the circumstance of business-critical requirements such as specific client project.
All staff have been advised that they must seek immediate medical attention if they are unwell, have been exposed to risk areas or believe they have been on contact with anyone from a risk exposed area. They are also to remain at home if unwell and their situation monitored by management.
Finally, we are keeping up to date with the latest on COVID 19 updates from our government resources to ensure we are within compliance rules and regulations.